Ratch Pathana Group has the intent to combat all forms of corruption. Consequently, the Anti-Corruption Policy has been established. Awareness of the good corporate governace principles is to be enhanced among directors, executives, and employees.
The Anti-Corruption policy is also a part of the risk management plan for risk assessment in every unit. In this regard, the internal audits act as an assessor.
The Company also provides it to new employees, has communication channel for publizing the code of conduct and Anti-Corruption policy. Guidelines and practices for the operation of Anti-Corruption in the organization as shown below.
- Raise awareness, values, and attitudes among employees in performing their duties according to laws and regulations with honesty and integrity.
- Provide an efficient internal audit control system. To prevent employees from being corrupt or being involved in corruption.
- Company Directors, Executives and Employees are prohibited from requesting or accepting assets or benefits that improperly or may cause the Company to lose legitimate benefits.
- Company directors, executives and employees are prohibited from offering to give assets or benefits to third parties to induce that person to commit or refrain from any illegal act or wrongfully against their position.
- Provide a mechanism for reporting financial status that is transparent and accurate.
- Provide communication channels So that employees and those involved can report clues with confidence that they will be protected. And must examine every clue that has been notified.

From the Anti-Corruption Policy, the company has proceeded as follows.
The Board of Directors has established an Anti-Corruption policy and Anti-Corruption manual as a guideline for the company directors, executives, and all employees by focusing on prevention and Anti-Corruption in all forms both directly and indirectly. and not participating in bribery to public and private agencies to gain competitive advantages. and establish guidelines for conducting activities that may lead to corruption risks.
To be a clear guideline for doing business and reducing the risk of corruption, all 3 issues are as follows.

Anti-Corruption Policy
The company has a policy to comply with Anti-Corruption laws by prohibiting company directors, executives, and employees from accepting or supporting all forms of corruption both directly and indirectly. has established an Anti-Corruption policy as follows:
- The company does not act and does not support bribery. Facilitation payments in any form.
- The Company will operate with transparency, clarification, and accountability in giving or receiving gifts, entertainment, hospitality, accepting donations Political contributions, including hiring government employees.
- Promote awareness and Anti-Corruption values for company directors, executives, and employees to comply with relevant laws. Notifications and regulations by preparing documents as guidelines.
- Company directors, executives and employees are prohibited from taking any action or being an intermediary in demanding and accepting assets or any benefits from government agency or private agencies to induce or commit an illegal act including the use of positions and/or use the company's information to seek benefits for oneself or others.
- Provide a mechanism for reporting financial status that is transparent and accurate. There is an efficient internal control system for appropriate use of power to prevent corruption in any form.
- Consistently reviewing compliance with the Anti-Corruption Policy. As well as reviewing the practice guidelines and terms of operation to be in line with changes in business, relevant laws, and regulations.
- Provide communication channels for whistleblowers to report suspicious clues. by ensuring that whistleblowers are protected.

Anti-Corruption Actions
The Company has expressed its intention to join the Private Sector Collective Action Coalition of Thailand (CAC) against corruption on February 18th, 2014, and renewed for the 3rd time on September 30, 2022.
And encouraged the subsidiaries, Sahacogen Green Company Limited and Sahagreen Forest Company Limited, to sign the declaration of intent and become a member in 2018. with the Corporate Governance and the Risk Management Committee who monitoring for oversight. Business risk management and the CAC project implementation. And provide training and communication for company directors, executives, employees and published on the company's website for acknowledgment and encourage everyone including stakeholders to understand and be able to implement in a more concrete way.
Board of Directors Realizing the importance of Anti-Corruption operations and for directors, executives, and employees to aim in the same direction and be part of the corporate culture. Therefore, the policy has been reviewed. Compliance with the Anti-Corruption Policy every year to be appropriate and consistent with the current situation.

Anti-Corruption Policy
- Persuade and share good practices with customers / partners to aim to become a coalition against corruption.
- Raise awareness of employees in the organization through regular review of business ethics.
- Campaign for performance and appreciation of employees who behave in accordance with morality and ethics.
- Collaborate to educate communities and schools, including creating Anti-Corruption campaign materials.
- Establish measures and internal audit systems to create transparency in business operations.

Anti-Corruption Campaign in 2022
Ratch Pathana Group Intent to Against Corruption
The Company has joined and been certified as a member of Thailand's Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption: CAC since 2016 and has been renewed. Consecutively for the 3rd time in 2021
In addition, the subsidiaries, Sahacogen Green Company Limited and Sahagreen Forest Company Limited, are encouraged to join the Private Sector Collective Action Coalition against Corruption (CAC) by renewing their certification. 2nd time on December 31, 2020
Targets for Anti-Corruption Operations
Summary of complaints about corruption (Disclosue 205-3 )
Anti-Corruption performance (Disclosue205-2)
- Test to measure knowledge 100%
- Assessment result 100%

No Gift Policy
Ratch Pathana Energy and Affiliates
would like to request you kind cooperation not to extend gifts in any forms to Ratch Pathana Energy and Affiliates personel, we highly appreciate your kind understanding and generosity

Whistleblowing Policy
The Board of Directors provides the channels for employees and stakeholders to report clues or complaints when they find anything that may be illegal or corruption of company employees. As well as behaviors that may cause problems and damage to the Company. Including cases where employees and stakeholders have been violated or have not been treated fairly through the company’s channels, with fair protection measures for complainants.