What is I-REC
I-REC: a way to track and
verify your green energy pathway
What is I-REC (International Renewable Energy Certificate)
The I-REC for Electricity is referred to as an I-REC(E) and is an exchangeable Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC). It is an instrument that track the origin of renewable electricity.
can be used for a variety of (voluntary) requirements including Scope 2 reporting, national energy reporting, and general End-user can claim ownership of the environmental benefits of that volume of clean energy. I-REC have been referenced as meeting the RE100 and CDP requirements and provided key quality references for the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Guidance.
I-REC unit
1 REC = 1 MWh
of Electricity generated by Renewable Energy Sources
How large the electricity
1 MWh
Equivalent 1,000 kWh or 1,000 unit of electricity

Beneficial on I-REC
The I-REC Standard
The I-REC Standard ensures that all RECs are in adherence with major international sustainability standards including the GHGP, CDP, RE100, ISO and others. Energy consumers can use I-REC to meet the requirements of these standards and/or corporate social responsibility policies. I-REC have been referenced as meeting the RE100 and CDP requirements and provided key quality references for the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Guidance.
Carbon Reduction
It aids in reducing the carbon footprint of organizations and companies by using certificates to demonstrate their use of renewable energy.
Regulatory Compliance
- In compliance with ISO 14064, the international standard that specifies principles and requirements at the organizational level for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals.
- In accordance with the CDP: Carbon Disclosure Program (Company's Environmental Disclosure Report).
- In alignment with the objectives of the RE100 initiative
How to purchase I-REC
Issuance of Renewable Energy Certificates:
Power plants that utilize renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass, biogas, and hydro are typically eligible to issue Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).
Target Purchaser of I-REC:
The primary purchaser of I-REC are top companies that are concerned about environmental issues and are committed to using clean energy in their business activities.
How to Purchase I-REC:
Buyers can request to purchase I-REC by contacting renewable energy producers in their country who are participating in the International Tracking Standard Foundation.