25 ตุลาคม 2549
Transaction with ralate companies
Ref: SCG-SET-06-015
October 24, 2006
To: The President
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Re : Transaction with related companies
Ref.: SCG-SET-06-014 Dated 20 October 2006
Reference to the announcement of renewing the Operation and Maintenance
Agreement with Operational Energy Group Limited in order to operate and
maintain the power plant, Sahacogen (Chonburi) Public Company Limited would
like to give some more information as following.
This renewal agreement will be five years, totaling amount of 295 million Baht,
which is not higher than the present agreement and as charged to its other
customers. This transaction is therefore reasonable and in a normal business
practice. According to the regulations of The Stock Exchange of Thailand
regarding to the Disclosure of related party Class1. The total amount of this
transaction is 16.43% of the net tangible asset (NTA).
Please be informed accordingly.
Sincerely yours
(Mr.Viroj Theeravatvatee)
Managing Director