18 ธันวาคม 2549

Additional invest. in Sahacogen Kabinburi Co. & Asset Dispos

Ref: SCG-SET-06-016 December 15 2006 Subject: Additional Investment in Sahacogen Kabinburi Company Limited and Asset Disposal Attention: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Ref.: 1. SCG-SET-06-012 dated August 7 2006 2. SCG-SET-06-014 dated October 20 2006 The Board of Directors Meeting No. 6/2006 of Sahacogen (Chonburi) Public Company Limited has passed the following resolutions:- 1. To increase an additional investment of 650 million Baht in Sahacogen Kabinburi Company Limited. In addition to the initial investment of 250 million Baht in Sahacogen Kabinburi Company Limited as announced in the referenced letter SCG-SET-06-014 dated October 20, 2006, the additional 650 million Baht investment was approved for proceeding the construction phase #2 which is expected to finish and commercially commence in June 2008. The final detail of an investment is as following: - 1.1 Name: Sahacogen Kabinburi Company Limited 1.2 Registered Capital: 900,000,000.-Baht (totaling 90,000,000 shares, at 10 Baht/ share) 1.3 Shareholder Structure: Sahacogen (Chonburi) Public Limited Company holds 100 percent of shares. 1.4 Type of business: a biomass cogeneration power plant 1.5 Product: electricity and steam 1.6 Source of Fund : 25% equity from internal cash and 75% long-term loan from a financial institution 1.7 Type of rules and regulation: The value of this transaction is equal to 17.35% total asset ended as of September 30, 2006 which, according to the regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand regarding to the Disclosure of Information and Other Acts of Listed Companies concerning the Acquisition and Disposition of Assets, 2004 (Class 2 in the Part 2), the Company shall serve a written notice of any assets acquisition, in case that its value of any translations is equal to 15 percent or more but lower than 50 percent, on its shareholders within 21 days from the date of disclosure of information to the Exchange without setting up the shareholders meeting for their approval. 2. That the asset acquisition during a construction phase of the biomass cogeneration power plant project (ref. no. 1) totaling 111.96 million Baht including liability amounted 7.54 million Baht is disposed to Sahacogen Kabinburi Company Limited 3. That the Company shall transfer its right of BOI approval for an investment on a biomass cogeneration power plant project at Saha Group Industrial Park Kabinburi to Sahacogen Kabinburi Company Limited. Please be informed accordingly. Yours Sincerely, Mr. Viroj Theeravatvatee Managing Director